Daily Tarot: The Hierophant

“You can’t outwit fate by trying to stand on the sidelines and place little side bets about the outcome of life. Either you wade in and risk everything to play the game, or you don’t play at all. And if you don’t play, you can’t win.” Judith McNaught

Today can be very productive if you focus. You may find that you are especially creative or that you easily accomplish a great deal within a small time frame. Your situation may involve the sharing of important knowledge either through connecting with those who serve as guides, mentors, counselors or teachers or acting as an authority yourself. There is a pronounced emphasis on conformity and following rules or established guidelines. Situations may also link with ceremonies, tradition and rites of passage as well as a connection to the marriage partner or commitment of some type.  In fact, your level of commitment and intention comes into question through the examination of beliefs, values and principles. As a result, you can expect both excitement and challenge in ties to family, lovers or work associates.

Now is the time to look closely at the alliances in your life for the cracks in the foundation of your relationship as they will certainly appear, especially if money is involved. You may be either the target or witness of scandal, intrigue, propaganda, accusations or rumors and it may become exceedingly difficult for you to distance yourself from the drama of it all. You will need to review information with a fine-tooth comb before moving ahead. Events from the past where perhaps you made a few renegade decisions will now create repercussions. The ill-considered choices you made to achieve your goals will fall under scrutiny. Where have you been too rigid and close minded or where have you gone rogue to your detriment?

Be sure to watch the tarotscope for your sign at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrMWKAH7eRy6ho37rTeOw

Love videos for September are available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/findinglove

(Deck:  Golden Tarot|Kat Black|U.S. Games Systems, Inc.)

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