Tete-a-Tete|Oct 1, 2021

Daily Love Advice – Your Guide to Navigating Relationships

A situation has caused some sort of sorrow or loss stemming from third party interference. Perhaps it was a romance or a situation you romanticized where an intrusion had an impact on a new relationship or taking a connection to the next level. This may have been due to a love triangle, one of you receiving offers from various suitors vying for attention, or social setups where friends became third wheels. Sometimes it’s best to know when to fold your hand in support of personal well-being. You’re not interested in unconventional arrangements or competing for love. In any case, three is one too many and you may decide to walk away, after which, the grief will dissipate so that you can open your heart to real possibilities.

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Image: Flirtation, Eugen von Blaas

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