Happy Holidays

Whew! This year is just about over and I can’t say that I’m sorry to see it go. It’s been a challenging period for many that offered multiple opportunities for growth, although growth is rarely easy. I’d like to take this time to thank those of you who consistently drop by and show your support–much love–I see and acknowledge you. I’d also like to thank those who don’t necessarily come to stay, but are curious–thank you for your interest. Astrology and tarot are powerful healing tools that help us better understand the human experience while also consistently reminding us that we’re all connected. The hope that my efforts are of some contribution makes my work all the more meaningful. I feel tremendously blessed to do what moves my passion and offer it to others. I also realize that time is a valuable commodity and the competition is stiff–I appreciate when you share yours with me.

In the spirit of the holiday season, I’ll be taking a short break to rest, recharge, and reboot. The weekly “Shooting it Straight” posts will resume on January 7. In the meantime, I’m wishing each of you a blessed holiday and the happiest of new years!

Image: Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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