Daily Tarot: Moon

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” George Orwell

Oh, what a tangled web we weave–especially when we try to fool ourselves. The influence of the Moon card lends itself to flights of imagination, fantasy and creative vision. This is particularly useful for the artist or those who are interested in delving into a rich inner world of dreams, emotions or psychic awareness. In fact, you may have contact with therapists or those who deal with psychological or emotional issues. You could experience a personal breakthrough or overcome a long-held fear. Perhaps a secret is revealed or the past is stirred through situations reminiscent of childhood or deeply ingrained behavioral patterns. This may relate to mother, children, nourishment or events that impact security.

Deep instinctual forces are at work which can also trigger fear, doubt and uncertainty. The result may be feelings of irritability, depression, anxiety or a sense of foreboding regarding the unknown and the unpredictable. Matters are not what they appear to be on the surface and are in an ever-changing state of flux. A tidal wave of emotion may surge over you causing distress at the intuitive awareness that negative news is forthcoming. Allowing your worries to overwhelm you will negatively affect your health as well causing you to be more susceptible to troubling ailments or illnesses where stress is the root cause. Your response to vague fears involving the covert motives of others may be hypersensitivity or escapism through excessive sleep, drugs or alcohol. While it’s quite possible that you will be deceived or experience a betrayal, the real danger lies in self-sabotage by refusing to clearly see matters as they are. It’s time to step into the light and gain clarity about what you have hidden from yourself. Events will demand that you “get real” in all areas of life.

Be sure to watch the tarotscope for your sign at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrMWKAH7eRy6ho37rTeOw

Love tarot videos for August are available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/findinglove

(Deck:  The Good Tarot|Colette Baron-Reid|Hay House, Inc.)



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