Daily Tarot: Queen of Pentacles

“Plan your work and work your plan.”  Napoleon Hill

The appearance of the Queen of Pentacles bodes well for business and financial endeavors. This is a day where you deal with the reality of your situation and may focus on planning, organizing and executing to ensure success by using your time in the most productive manner. There is a pronounced emphasis on the sensible management of assets as well as circumstances. A strong earth influence also gives an appreciation for the good things of life and you may work toward beautifying your home, cultivating a garden or spending time with beloved pets. There is a genuine concern for the welfare of others and you may nurture those around you in practical ways. Additionally, after securing the foundation for an alliance, you may decide to take a relationship to the next level. Your interactions will highlight teamwork, shared interests and goals through partnership. Ultimately, your main objective for the day is to get both answers and results.

Negatively, you may be struggling financially or dealing with the consequences of fiscal recklessness. There may be issues of selfishness or a sense of entitlement where overindulgence becomes a problem. Your affairs could stagnate due to a lack of motivation or self-doubt. With such a strong emphasis on taking charge, you may find yourself at odds with others by making decisions without consulting those involved. A difference of opinion could trigger control issues.

Be sure to watch the weekly tarotscope for your sign at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrMWKAH7eRy6ho37rTeOw

(Tarot Deck:  Ancient Italian Tarot|Lo Scarabeo, Torino)

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