Daily Tarot: Devotee of Swords

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” Marcus Aurelius

You may be getting organized, gathering information, and applying yourself with single-minded discipline toward an objective. Setting smaller, realistic and achievable goals will be crucial to your success. These pursuits may be intellectual or legal in nature and could require professional advice or deal with paperwork or important documents. You may be traveling, taking an exam, involved in negotiations, trying to solve a problem or resolve a dispute. Using diplomacy in communication will be the most effective strategy to further your aims. Important conversations can influence others to align with your cause.

However, it’s also possible that you find yourself on guard because of troubling news or secrets that come to light. Someone may disregard your boundaries by prying into your affairs. You may be battling a ruthless rival or dealing with an immature person who is prone to arguments, gossip, or self-righteousness. As a result of your interactions, you may discover that someone is cold and calculating with little regard for your feelings. The unpleasant realization of who this person is may provoke you to end the relationship. In some cases you may decide that attack is the best form of defense.

Be sure to watch the weekly tarotscope for your sign at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrMWKAH7eRy6ho37rTeOw

(Deck:  Tarot of the Delphi|K.D. Hildegard Hinkel|Aello Publishing)

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