New Moon in Aries

March 21, 2023| 10:22 am (PST) | Keyword: Action

The Moon is bolting through the sign of Aries and quickly goading events to unfold that herald a new beginning with ties to group interests. A surge of energy stimulates those who are energetic, impulsive, and action-oriented equipped with the power to destroy old conditions to make way for a new path. With the moon situated in the sector of wish fulfillment supported by the force of a stellium, you’re inspired to bring a desire to fruition with the help of like-minded individuals and may be joining affiliations with those whom you share common interests. Events that take place are likely to involve someone with strong Aries in the natal chart (sun, moon, or rising sign).

You’re probably working on a significant goal or major undertaking that requires gathering information to make a decision and personal commitment to a project, cause, idea or belief that may be intertwined with improving the quality of life for all. As a result, there can be changes within a group or organization to which you belong or connections to persons of influence that may be significant. The moon gives the courage to tackle large and painstaking projects or focus on bringing precision and fine detail to your work. Additionally, your attention turns toward the benefits you receive, monetarily or otherwise, from career efforts. This can involve a reassessment of where you currently stand in relation to future objectives meant to accurately reflect your own needs when completed.

Some will have the ability to express ideas in a dramatic or forceful manner that grants influence on public opinion, gives the lead in literary and scientific fields, or prompts intellectual interest in the performing arts. It may be the instinctive desire to lead or become involved with others actively seeking to help society or because of a strong interest in children and their education. The quest for knowledge can provide the means to achieve authority and leadership in a chosen area, but can also stimulate the tendency to be opinionated and prejudiced in favor of a personal point of view. Negatively, this cycle will incite those who express unpopular or even dangerous opinions and the inclination to challenge others with words or physical presence.

It’s possible that some in your circle, including family, aren’t supportive of your goals or life direction, especially if your individual needs conflict with societal expectations. A myriad of reasons that trigger opposition may include the feeling of being threatened by your need for personal independence or a history of unreliability. However, you’re determined to examine the rules and restrictions that currently govern your life to ascertain if they’re practical for your present situation in light of the level of individual freedom you desire. Freedom from pointless restraint is the emphasis, and the process to obtain it leads you to question whether goals are your own or if you’ve been indoctrinated by others. Situations motivate awareness of issues related to monogamy or loyalty among friends. Perhaps it’s no more than a running debate in your head in order to formulate your own personal code of ethics or it’s an actual manifestation that plays out through compromising situations such as an extra-marital affair.

It’s interesting to note that the last new moon was in Pisces and we now have Saturn (government) in the sign of Pisces (secrets, deception, corruption, dissolution) in shadow, Neptune, the ruler of Pisces in its sign also in shadow which usually pushes secrets into the light, and Stormy Daniels is a Pisces. In fact, the Moon and the angular axis connected to finances, both personal and that of others, sits at the Aries Point stimulating events to occur in a very public way while bringing persons unknown (to all involved parties) into matters. With Uranus in the darkest recesses of the chart, private matters or internal choices or thoughts will generally not become public knowledge, but may be revealed at the most inopportune time or because someone else may wish the truth to be known. Difficult dilemmas involve sex-related activities such as initial sexual experiences, sexual preferences, affairs, birth control practices, or abortions. The Eros link to Pluto furthers the sexual connotations underscoring the out of control dimensions of sexual encounter. This passionate combo suggests sex used as revenge, psychological violence as an ultimatum, the abrogation of responsibility for sex, or attempts to use sex to force change in others or dominate.

In your own circumstances, the response to the disapproval of family is to be guarded or detached. If you feel limited in the ability to express yourself openly, you may do so secretively. As a result, you may develop deeper bonds within your friend group, and confide in them as you take the steps toward autonomy that include going off to school, relocating, living on your own, becoming self-employed or self-supporting. In some cases, your attachment to certain individuals may shift if you fear giving up freedom when faced with real commitment.

Although excited about gaining independence, the means to do so will include frequent bouts of anxiety and changes in your plans. In fact, unexpected events will occur abruptly and out of the blue during this cycle that demand alterations you didn’t anticipate. Because of this, events suggest a conservative approach to making commitments to new projects, and especially those tied to technology. Alternatively, you may be working on a talent or skill in private until fully developed and prepared to subject yourself to outside criticism.

However, you can benefit from a large circle of acquaintances who help you emotionally and financially to achieve your hopes and wishes. Situations may involve a great deal of time discussing issues or problems with the goal of sharing feelings while allowing you to experience strong emotions. In some cases, this will manifest through a social platform, therapy or counseling sessions, or even court proceedings. The reevaluation through interchanges with others helps to determine which goals are practical and those that are unrealistic. There’s an emphasis on your needs versus the needs of the group, but in certain instances the establishment uses a heavy hand and group needs and goals may supersede personal objectives leaving you feeling compromised.

A militant expression can appear aggressive and overbearing, especially when you face delays or resistance. The keyword for this cycle is action, and while for some it indicates movement with mental perception toward a noble destiny, it also brings to the fore persons whose nature is martial with a desire to win at all costs. (Any ideas who that might be?) The influence of the Moon encourages one to act boldly to try something new, to overcome inertia about the status quo, or to take a stand. The energy is supportive of travel and for healing the physical body from the grip of illness as well.

However, the warlike ardor of Aries can provoke ego-centered responses which may solely serve your own purpose. Although the group dynamic plays a critical role in events, the advice is to avoid partnerships, marriage, or activities that require compromise. One is compelled by restlessness to take dangerous risk, some that could place mind and body under threat. Anything you’ve hidden from yourself or others can emerge at this time with the demand to be dealt with. This is a cycle to clear up old problems so they can be handled once and for all.

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