Tete-a-Tete|Apr 27, 2020

Daily Love Advice – Your Guide to Navigating Relationships

While there is so much that is beyond your control under these tenuous circumstances, the key is to try to maintain a sense of balance with regard to your emotions and obligations. Delays may cause you to question the faithfulness or support of a partner, but it is your strong values and the power of intention that will attract the loyalty, generosity, or protection you desire. Your intuition is guiding you to stay the course and not shortchange yourself or sell out on your beliefs. In response, a higher power, fate, providence–call it what you will–is once again at play and will step in on your behalf to produce positive results while enabling you to move forward with success. Play to your strengths and align your energy to work with the current conditions and you’ll soon hear news that is music to your ears.

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