Daily Tarot: Justice

“Somehow we’ll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.”  Brandon Sanderson

Today’s spiritual lesson arrives courtesy of the major card, Justice. For some, this will mean issues of justice that play out through the legal system or dealing with legal administrators. But for most, this day will require an important decision and the rectifying of an imbalance. There are new circumstances with which to contend and you will need to make sure that these conditions do not upend other areas of your life. Unexpected events require that you change your game plan and come up with a strategy to accommodate new information. The ability to efficiently manage your time and affairs ensures that you can fulfill responsibilities. You may need to establish a better daily routine–balancing your professional obligations against personal demands or improving your physical care. Perhaps you will need to settle an old debt or offer an apology to ameliorate a difficulty. Situations will require that you examine your conscience and act with integrity. Maintaining a neutral outlook will assist in achieving a fair outcome.

Because of a pronounced focus on fairness, operating through a prejudicial attitude will create confusion making it difficult to remove yourself from sticky situations. You are likely to both judge and be judged. You may be dealing with false accusations, corruption, discrimination or injustice. However, your own bias may cause you to misconstrue words or actions and mistakenly take offense. Fortunately, justice is blind and you will get what you deserve–nothing more and nothing less.

Be sure to watch the weekly tarotscope for your sign at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrMWKAH7eRy6ho37rTeOw

(Deck:  Tarot of the Master|Lo Scarabeo, Torino)




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